Table of
Contents Files are PDF format, unless otherwise stated. (Sort:
Newest to oldest order)
INDEPENDENT ARTICLES written by Alan Chwick, Joanne Eisen,
and/or Gary Mauser |
- .50 BMG, .338 Lapua, & the .338 Lapua Magnum Compared
By Alan Chwick (Ammoland (03/14/2025))
- The M1911 & .45 ACP Bullet: 1 Of The Most Iconic &
Enduring Combinations In The World Of Firearms By Alan Chwick (Ammoland
- The Lonely, Yet Impressive .22LR Round By Alan Chwick
(Ammoland (02/04/2025))
- Congress Shall Make No Law vs. Shall Not Be
Infringed By Alan Chwick (Ammoland (01/30/2025))
- .32 ACP Bullet & the Rim Lock Issue By Alan Chwick
(Ammoland (01/20/2025))
- Patriot ~ Joanne D Eisen Passes By Alan Chwick (Ammoland
Founders Knew: They Foresaw Todays Unaccountable
Government! By Alan Chwick (Ammoland (05/17/2023))
- So Called 'Assault Weapons ~ When Words Are Used Instead
of Guns To Disarm Us By Alan Chwick (Ammoland (04/19/2023))
- Interview:
In The Crosshairs with Raquel Okyay 'Self Defense, the Moral
Aspect' By Alan J Chwick (TLBTV (04/25/2018))
- Interview:
A Few Thoughts on Jury Duty Nullification Revisited - Audio
(46.03Min) By Alan Chwick (Liberty Watch Radio, with Charles Heller (KVOI AM Radio, Tucson AZ) (08/30/2020))
- NY SAFE Act: From Death
Knell To Grave Site at 1240FPS for NYS Youth Marksmanship Programs By Alan
Chwick (Ammoland (06/18/2013))
- NY SAFE Act: Collateral
Damage Rings Death Knell for Youth Marksmanship Programs By Alan Chwick
(Ammoland (06/11/2013))
- Open Letter to NY Senator Fuschillo & Assemblyman Curran
Are You Ashamed? By Alan Chwick (Ammoland (03/20/2013))
- New York Should Be Ashamed of the NY S.A.F.E. Act By Alan
Chwick Ammoland (03/18/2013)
- Interview:
Arms Trade Treaty & Ratification Discussion -
Alan J Chwick Radio with Kate Krueger (09/16/2012) on KFNX
"Talking Guns" (www.KateKruegerTalkingGuns.com)
- Interview: ATT Predictions -
Alan Chwick Radio with Ricci Ware on KTSA "Boomers &
Shakers" (www.KTSA.com)
- Interview:
A Global Weapons Computer?
Alan Chwick NRA News
with Cam & Company, (05/09/2011)[Edited] (Piece authored by Paul Gallant,
Alan Chwick, and Joanne D. Eisen, THE BLUE PRESS, June 2011, Issue 228,
p. 64, Dillon Precision Products, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ.)
- Arms Trade Treaty: The United Nations Cant Hide The
Stench Of Failure! By Gary Mauser, Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland
- CDCs Antigun Agenda On Display: So-Called Experts Abuse
Our Trust By Gary Mauser, Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland
- UN Arms Trade Treaty Ten Years In: Dead, Alive or Just
Desperate? By Gary Mauser, Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland
- Ingenuity & Necessity Trump International Gun Control
By Gary Mauser, Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (02/21/2024))
- Who Are The Guardians? By Gary Mauser, Alan Chwick &
Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (10/01/2023))
Rational Choice Theory: The Benefit Of Firearms in Civilian
Hands By Gary Mauser, Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland
Right to Keep & Bear Arms ~ Can You Keep It? By Gary
Mauser, Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (05/11/2023))
- Are Civilian Owned Guns A Benefit to Society? Researchers Have
No Clue? By Gary Mauser, Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland
- A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Universal Gun Backgrounds
Checks ~ VIDEO By Gary Mauser, Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland
- UN Arms Trade Treaty Saga Continues Despite Blatant World
Failures By Gary Mauser, Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland
- CDCs Antigun Agenda On Display: So-Called Experts Abuse
Our Trust By Gary Mauser, Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland
- Fact Check: Are Armed Civilians to Blame For Mass
Shootings? By Gary Mauser, Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland
- Why the Bruen 2nd Amendment Ruling Has Progressives Tied in an
Angry Knots ~ VIDEO By Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland
- The Walking-Dead UN Arms Trade Treaty, Needs a Final Headshot ~
VIDEO By Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (06/02/2022))
- Governments Prefers Its Citizens Unarmed & Defenseless
By Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (03/21/2022))
- Love Freedom? Let Us Keep America Great By Alan Chwick
& Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (12/16/2021))
Arms Trade Treaty Report 09/2021 What the Hell Just
Happened? By Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (09/29/2021))
A Flood of Gun Lies Are Coming & You Need to Aggressively
Correct Them By Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (09/07/2021))
UN Arms Trade Treaty, The Biden Occupation, & The American
People ~ VIDEO By Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland
Biden Democrats: Want The Failed Australian Gun Ban Plan By
Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (06/23/2021))
- Democrats Working Hard To Shred Americas Social Compact
& The U.S. Constitution By Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland
Keep Buying Guns And Ammo, Wherever You Find Them By Alan
Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (01/12/2021))
Failed Gun Control Lessons From the Firearms Black Market
By Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (12/11/2020))
A Case For Concealed Carry Insurance Year 2020 and Beyond
By Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (09/17/2020))
A Few Thoughts on Jury Duty Nullification Revisited By Alan
Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (08/28/2020))
Freedom, Dont Let It Fall, Time To Take Back America
By Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (07/21/2020))
Second Amendment Supporters Welcome the 2020 Class of New Gun
Owners! By Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (07/01/2020))
Lies About Hydroxychloroquine, Just Like Lies About Guns By
Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (05/30/2020))
- Wuhan Virus, Self-Defense and the Second Amendment By Alan
Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (04/14/2020))
Connections: the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty to the ATF Form
4473 By Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (02/24/2020))
- Virginia Rising: My Day At VA Lobby Day By George
Persinger, with Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (01/28/2020))
- Virginia Rising Against The Advancing Political Sickness By
Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (01/13/2020))
- Is the Second Amendment worth it? By Alan J Chwick &
Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (11/10/2019))
- Trump Love Him Or Hate Him, the Alternative Will Destroy
America By Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (09/29/2019))
- The 2019 UN Arms Trade Treaty & A Strange Turn Of
Events By Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (09/27/2019))
- Arms Trade Treaty, August 2019: The Fifth Conference of States
Parties By Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (05/27/2019))
- Basket
Of Liars & the Division of a Country By Alan J Chwick & Joanne D
Eisen (Ammoland (12/03/2018))
- United Nations to Blame for 100,000s of Military Grade
Weapons on Black Market By Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland
- Gun Studies: Second Amendment as Defense Against Tyranny By
Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (08/10/2018))
Gun Studies: End Of Rational Dialogue: Exposing The Lies By
Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (08/09/2018))
Gun Studies: Antis Descend Into Anger Because They Cant
Win On Facts By Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland
GUN STUDIES: The Defensive Gun Use Misinformation War By
Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (06/07/2018))
- U.S. Gun Owners Support Stronger Gun Laws that is Fake
News Folks By Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland
- Black Market Guns, Anti-Gun Laws Create Them & Drive Up
Demand By Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (05/17/2018))
- Time to Battle The Insane Anti-Gun Mob With Knowledge &
Truth By Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (05/08/2018))
- Turns Out, Having Guns is All About the Children By Alan J
Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (04/16/2018))
- An Education On Gun Rights : Surprisingly From The United
Kingdom By Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (12/04/2017))
- A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Arms Trade Treaty
By Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (10/26/2017))
- The Intimidation Is Over, America Stands with the Founding
Fathers By Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (10/25/2017))
- The Many Moral Aspects of Violence and Resistance By Alan J
Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (09/17/2017))
- Momentarily Standing Back From The Constitutional Precipice
By Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (08/15/2017))
Fragility of Freedom We Have Your Six, President
Trump By Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (07/29/2017))
President Trump and the Corrupt National Fake News
Media By Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (07/18/2017))
The Covert War Against Freedom By Alan J Chwick &
Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (07/17/2017))
Just a Rant: Donald J. Trump, Fighting to Take Our Country
Back By Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (03/14/2017))
JUST A RANT: Politics and Treason By Alan J Chwick &
Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (01/15/2017))
- U. N. Arms Trade Treaty, Moving From One Failure To Another
By Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (01/02/2017))
- Post Trump Thoughts & How to Deal with Crybabies By
Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (12/16/2016))
- President-Elect Donald J. Trump: A Path to Freedom By Alan
J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (11/15/2016))
- Morality vs. Law & the Publics Right To Know the Truth
By Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (10/18/2016))
- Trump, Freedom & The Coming Vote By Alan J Chwick &
Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (10/18/2016))
Another Reason We Need Trump: To Gut the U.N. Arms Trade
Treaty By Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (09/29/2016))
TRUMP and Minorities, a Short Note By Alan J Chwick &
Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (08/30/2016))
Donald Trump and the Truth By Alan J Chwick & Joanne D
Eisen (Ammoland (08/23/2016))
Arms Trade Treaty, Weapons Manufacturers and Lunatics By
Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen (Ammoland (11/04/2015))
We Will Be Watching By Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen
(Ammoland (09/16/2015))
- Dr. Paul Gallant, Second Amendment Defender & AmmoLand
Contributor Dies Tribute by good friends Dr. Joanne D. Eisen & Mr. Alan
J Chwick (Ammoland (09/04/2015))
- The Firearm Is The Symbol Of Individual Sovereignty By Alan
Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (07/02/2015))
- SACS: International Small Arms Control Standards What Is
It? By Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (06/22/2015))
- Whiplash! For Every Action, There is an Equal & Opposite
Reaction By Alan Chwick and Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (11/05/2014))
- $222,000,000 plus Economic Loss to New York State From
Democrats NY SAFE Act By Alan Chwick (Ammoland (06/13/2014))
- The Presidents Surgeon General Nomination & Firearms
Research By Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (05/12/2014))
- Firearms and Freedom: Benefits from Obama By Alan Chwick
& Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (02/28/2014))
- The Freedom-Phobes Really Want Our Guns By Alan Chwick
& Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (02/25/2014))
- British Crime Statistics: Rotten From the Head By Alan
Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (02/14/2012))
- The International Small Arms Control Standard:The Next Step of
the UN Gun Ban By Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland
- Gun Control Be Careful What You Wish (and Vote)
By Paul Gallant & Sherry Gallant (Ammoland (11/07/2013))
- The British Crime Rate Review 2013: The Hidden Winsor
Report By Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (11/06/2013))
- A
Jurys Secret Power Nullification By Alan Chwick & Joanne
Eisen (Ammoland (08/22/2013))
- What Divides Us What Unites Us? By Richard Goldman
and Alan Chwick (Ammoland (07/31/2013))
- Book Review: Control:
Exposing the Truth about Guns By Glenn Beck By: Alan Chwick, Richard
Goldman and Joanne Eisen (Ammoland (07/09/2013))
- UN Arms Trade Treaty 2013 Its Back
Alan Chwick, Richard Goldman & Joanne Eisen. Ammoland (03/13/2013)
- Lets Nix NICS (By Alan Chwick, Richard Goldman & Joanne
Eisen. Ammoland (02/20/2013))
- UN Gun Grabbers Only Want Governments or Authorized
Entities to Have Guns (By Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen. Ammoland
- Firearms Registration & Keeping Lists of Current Gun
Owners (By Alan Chwick & Joanne Eisen. Ammoland (08/30/2012))
OLDER GROUP ARTICLES articles written by Paul Gallant,
Joanne Eisen, Alan Chwick & Sherry Gallant, Plus |
- How Britain Cooks the Books
(NRA:Americas First Freedom, Janruary 2014, Page 30)
- Special Investigation: The Biggest Crime of Them All, Gaming
the UK Crime Rate (Ammoland (10/23/2013))
- Special Investigation: The Truth About British Crime Rates
(Ammoland (10/14/2013))
- The Tallest Tale: U.K. Crime is Down
NOT (Ammoland
- US Gun Owners: Felon or Free (Ammoland (09/20/2013))
- Saving Liberty Hoplophobes Need Not Apply (Ammoland
- Gunning For The Truth (Ammoland (05/16/2013))
- Gun Violence and the War On Drugs (Ammoland
- Restrictive Gun Laws = A Safer America? Stop the Lying!!
(Ammoland (01/28/2013))
- Civil Resistance: Some Things to Ponder (Ammoland
- How Do You Spell More Useless Embargoes: ARMS TRADE
TREATY' (Ammoland (10/01/2012))
2012 Prelude To A New Arms Trade Treaty (Ammoland (08/24/2012))
- Arms Trade Treaty Salesmen Changing Strategy In Their
Own Words (Ammoland (08/10/2012))
- Arms Trade Treaty Down, But Not Out (Ammoland
- Uncovered Documents Show Private Arms & Ammunition to Be
Included in Arms Trade Treaty Read (Ammoland (07/24/2012))
- The Arms Trade Treaty Falling Apart? (Ammoland
- A Safer Gun-Free World. Really? Tell that to Aurora
(Ammoland (July 23, 2012))
- The Hidden Costs of The Arms Trade Treaty (Ammoland
- UN Arms Trade Treaty Targeting U.S. Guns as a Cure-All
for Global Violence? (Ammoland (06/252012))
- The Lie Behind the Arms Trade Treaty (Blue Press (05/2012))
Article POSTed at Ammoland
- Arms Trade Treaty The Hell With Congress (Ammoland
- The Arms Trade Treaty & Our Constitutions
Loophole (Ammoland (02/27/2012))
- THE UNS Arms Trade TreatyPerverting LOGIC While
Banning Guns (Ammoland (02/14/2012))
- 740,000 New
Lies, Paul Gallant, Alan Chwick, and Joanne D. Eisen, THE BLUE
PRESS, November 2011, Issue 233, p. 48, Dillon Precision Products, Inc.,
Scottsdale, AZ.
- A Global Weapons Computer?, Paul Gallant, Alan
Chwick, and Joanne D. Eisen, THE BLUE PRESS, June 2011, Issue 228, p.
64, Dillon Precision Products, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ.
- "Numbers from Nowhere", David B. Kopel, Paul Gallant
& Joanne D. Eisen (America's 1st Freedom, May 2011) - Conjuring facts to
promote a global gun ban. The claim of 740,000 annual deaths from arms.
- The Coming
Gun Battle. Paul Gallant, Joanne Eisen, and Alan Chwick, THE BLUE
PRESS, Feb. 2011, Dillon Precision Products, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ.
- Norming Guns
Away: Why We Need to be Concerned About the UN. Paul Gallant, Alan
Chwick, and Joanne Eisen, THE BLUE PRESS, Dec. 2010, Dillon Precision
Products, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ.
- The
Cost of Saving Kayla. United States Times Weekly
(reprinted Dec 25, 2010.)
- Feeling Blue.
The Obama administration's support for gun control initiatives at U.N.
conferences in the summer of 2010. America's 1st Freedom, Oct.
- "Justice For All: A Better Path to Global Firearms
Control", David B. Kopel, Paul Gallant, and Joanne D. Eisen, 2 JINDAL
GLOBAL LAW REVIEW 203 (Anniversary Issue 1, Sept 2010) (Journal of Jindal
Global Law School, Delhi, India.)
- How
Many Global Deaths from Arms? Reasons to Question the 740,000 Factoid being
used to Promote the Arms Trade Treaty. David B. Kopel, Paul
Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. 5 NYU Journal of Law & Liberty 672 (2010)
(http://davekopel.org/2A/LawRev/Global- Deaths-nyu.pdf)
- "The Arms
Trade Treaty: Zimbabwe, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Prospects
for Arms Embargoes on Human Rights Violators." David B. Kopel, Paul
Gallant, and Joanne D. Eisen 114
Penn State Law Review (Winter 2010, Number 3)
- The Guns of Sudan.
The New Ledger, July 7, 2009.
- Pharmaceuticals, Guns & Government = People
Bans. Paul Gallant and Joanne D. Eisen. The Blue Press.
January 2009.
- "An Arms Trade Treaty Could Encourage
Human Rights Violations" in The Arms Trade. Current Controversies series. Noel Marino
editor (Greenhaven Press 2009). David B. Kopel, Paul Gallant, & Joanne D.
- Human
Rights and Gun Confiscation, David B. Kopel, Paul Gallant &
Joanne D. Eisen, 26 Quinnipiac Law
Review (No. 2, 2008) 385.
- Words, Paul Gallant
& Joanne D. Eisen, The Blue Press, Sept. 2008.
- Post-Heller
Junk Science. In the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Courts Heller
decision, desperate anti-gunners are grasping at pseudoscientific research to
revive their gun-ban plans. Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen.
Americas 1st Freedom, September 2008.
- Uganda.
We're from the Government, and We're Here to Help You. America's
1st Freedom, January 2008.
- Genocide
Resistance. National Review Online, Oct. 16, 2007.
- The
Human Right of Self-Defense,"
David B. Kopel, Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen, 22
BYU Journal of Public Law (Number
1, Fall 2007).
- Why
Reveal Who's Concealed? What Possible Motive Could Some Arrogant
Anti-Gun Newspapers have for Publishing the Names of Right-to-Carry Permit
Holders? America's 1st Freedom, May 2007
- Guns Don't Kill People,
Gun Control Kills People. Uganda terrorizes its own citizens under the
auspices of a UN gun control mandate. Reason Online, Feb. 23, 2007.
- Cutting
Through the Fog, The role that firearms, malaria, AIDS, and kleptocracy
play in development failure. Americas 1st Freedom, January
- The
Other War in Ethiopia. The destruction of the disarmed Anuak people of
southwestern Ethiopia. Tech Central Station, Dec. 29, 2006.
- "The
Gold Standard of Gun Control," David B. Kopel, Paul Gallant &
Joanne D. Eisen, 2 Journal of Law,
Economics & Policy (2006, Issue 2). Book review of Joyce Malcolm's
"Guns and Violence: The English Experience."
- "Is Resisting Genocide
a Human Right?," David B. Kopel,
Paul Gallant and Joanne D. Eisen, 81 Notre Dame Law Review 1275 (2006, Issue 4).
- Why is this Woman
Smiling? A Biography of Leonardo daVinci. America's 1st
Freedom, November 2005.
- Can 9-1-1 Save
Americas 1st Freedom, May 2005.
- 911
Is a Joke... or Is It? Let's Find Out.. Tech Central Station, Jan 05,
- "Does the Right to
Bear Arms Impede or Promote Economic Development?," David B. Kopel,
Paul Gallant and Joanne D. Eisen, 6 Engage 85 (2005, Issue 1)(journal of
The Federalist Society).
- "Microdisarmament:
The Consequences for Public Safety and Human Rights," David B. Kopel,
Paul Gallant and Joanne D. Eisen, 73 UMKC Law Review, 969 (2005). This
Article examines UN-sponsored programs to disarm people.
- "Firearms
Possession by 'Non-State Actors': The Question of Sovereignty," David
B. Kopel, Paul Gallant and Joanne D. Eisen,
Texas Review of Law and Politics, 373
(Spring 2004, No. 2).
- "Global
Deaths from Firearms: Searching for Plausible Estimates," David B.
Kopel, Paul Gallant and Joanne D. Eisen, 8
Texas Review of Law and Politics 114 (Fall
2003, No. 1).
- Gun
Ownership and Human Rights," David B. Kopel, Paul Gallant and Joanne D.
Eisen, Brown Journal of World
Affairs (Winter/Spring 2003, vol. IX, no. 2).
- "Trigger Happy: Rethinking the 'Weapons
Effect'," Paul Gallant and Joanne D. Eisen, 14
Journal on Firearms and Public
Policy 89 (2002).
- Gun Control and the Right to Arms
after 9/11, in The Impact of
9/11 and the New Legal Landscape of The Day that Changed Everything? (2009)
Part 1, Ch. 5 ( Matthew J. Morgan, ed., Palgrave
MacMillan). With David B. Kopel.
- Ambrose E.
Burnside. General, Governor, Senator, Civil Rights Activist and First
President of the NRA. America's 1st Freedom, October 2004.
- Avoiding
Genocide. The right to bear arms could have saved Sudan. National
Review Online, August 18, 2004.
- The Hero of Gettysburg:
Winfield Scott Hancock.Sixth President of the NRA. National Review
Online, July 2, 2004.
- A Moriori
Lesson. A brief history of pacifism. National Review Online.
Apr. 11, 2003.
- Up
in Flames: Mali's Gun Show. National Review Online, December 5,
- When Policy
Kills: More Deadly U.N. Issues. The Srebrenica massacre and the U.N.'s
disarmament policies. National Review Online, Jan. 27, 2003.
- Disarming
Uganda. International gun-control nonsense. National Review
Online, Dec. 11, 2002.
Her Own
Bodyguard: Gun-Packing First Lady. Americas
1st Freedom, Aug. 2002.
- No Choice:
Weapons-effect" Paralysis. National Review Online, Apr. 17,
- A World Without
Guns. National Review Online, Dec. 5, 2001.
- Birth of a
Nation. What East Timor and the U.S. have in common. And what they
don't. National Review Online, Mar. 12, 2002.
- Little Island that
Roared. The story of Bougainville, and gun prohibition. National
Review Online, Feb. 6, 2002.
- Speak
No Evil. The European Union revives the offense of Seditious Libel.
Chronicles, Feb. 2002.
- Her Own
Bodyguard. Gun-packing First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. National Review
Online, Jan. 24, 2002.
- Perdition in
Paradise. Americas 1st
Freedom, Dec. 2001.
- A World Without
Guns. Be forewarned: It's not a pretty picture. National Review
Online, Dec. 5, 2001.
- Jamaica
Farewell. The consequences of gun prohibition. National Review
Online, Sept. 10, 2001.
- Mad Cows, Madder
Government. National Review Online, June 12, 2001
- Zero Good
Sense. Zero tolerance. National Review Online,June 6, 2001.
- Britain:
From Bad to Worse. Newsmax.Com Mar.22, 2001
- Defending Gun
Shows. The groups that attack gun shows are out to destroy the
Second Amendment. National Review Online,Mar. 15, 2001.
- Ripe for
Genocide. Zimbabwe. National Review Online, Feb. 13, 2001.
- Empty-Barrel Gun
Policies. A legacy of nonsense from Clinton, blair, and the left.
National Review Online, Jan. 22. 2001
- Living in
of Gun-Control Laws. National Review Online,
Jan. 17, 2001.
- No Canada.
Why America would follow Canada's political lead is mind boggling.
National Review Online, Dec. 20, 2000.
- Solomon Says.
The madness of civilian disarmament in the South Pacific. National
Review Online, Nov. 27, 2000.
- Jamaican War
Zone. An island of intoxicative beauty? Try again, mon. National
Review Online, Oct. 30, 2000.
- Not-so
Safe-Storage Laws. The only ones "safe" are the intruders. National
Review Online, Oct. 18, 2000.
- South African
Stupidity. Disarming the citizenry is not the answer. National
Review Online, Oct. 11, 2000.
- Violent
Misinformation Campaign. Don't look to the government and the media to
explain drops in violent crime. National Review Online, Sept. 15,
- Gunning for the
Kiddies. What kind of a "climate" has taken hold of society?
National Review Online, Sept. 22, 2000.
- Instant
Check, Permanent Record. National Review Online, Aug. 10, 2000.
- Civil
Disobedience in Canada. National Review Online, Aug. 2, 2000. Fear in
Britain. They have no guns so they have a lot of crime. National
Review Online, July 18, 2000.
Dr. Joanne D. Eisen
received her B.A. from Queens College, City University of New York, in
Chemistry/Biology. She earned her D.D.S. degree from New York University
in 1966. Since 1966, Joanne has been engaged full-time in the private practice
of dentistry in Old Bethpage, New York. Deceased, January 6, 2025.
Mr. Alan J. Chwick,
received an A.S. degree from Nassau Community College (NCC) in Accounting, a
B.S. degree from the State University of New York at Albany in Business
Administration and Data Processing, plus a Paralegal Certificate from NCC. Alan
has been engaged full-time, since 1975, in the private sector as an Independent
IT & Facilities Consultant in Freeport, New York (The Complete Machine,
Inc.), and he is the Retired Managing Coach of the
Freeport Junior Club, at the
Freeport NY Revolver & Rifle Association.
Additionally, he has been involved with firearms much of his life, and is
extremely active in the Second Amendment, of the U.S. Bill of Rights, political
arena in Nassau County and the State of New York. He is responsible, with the
aid of a knowledgeable lawyer, Mr. Robert Firriolo, for changing the face of
Preemption, for NYS Penal Code 400, in NYS with his case win against Nassau
County (Citation: Chwick v. Mulvey, 81 A.D.3d 161, 915 N.Y.S.2d 578 (2nd Dept.
2010)), and was a strong element in the changing of NYS PL 265.20.7e,
permitting 14-20 year olds to handle a firearm. At the FJC, Alan, with the help
of Mr. Edward Botsch, Coach, and an excellent staff of Range Officers, taught
and promoted firearm safety and use, plus general competitive shooting and good
sportsmanship training to youths aged 5-21. Finally, Alan Escaped New York
State in 2016 for very rural northern Greer, SC, and currently is a gunsmith
and dealer at Everything 22 and
more. AJChwick@Everything22andMore.com
Dr. Paul Gallant
received his Bachelor of Science from Brooklyn College, City University of New
York, with a major in Chemistry. He then earned an M.A. in Chemistry from
Brooklyn College. He received a Doctor of Optometry degree (O.D.) from the
State University of New York, College of Optometry, in 1976. Between 1978 and
2009, Paul has been engaged in the private practice of optometry in Rockland
County, New York. He relocated to Long Island in the summer of 2009, where he
resumed his practice. Deceased.
Ms. Sherry Gallant received her Bachelor
of Science degree from Brooklyn College, City University of New York, in 1969,
with a major in chemistry, and with honors of magna cum laude, and Phi Beta
Kappa. She then worked at Squibb Pharmaceuticals as a quality control chemist
for a year, followed by 4 years as a claims adjudicator for the Social Security
Administration, in Queens, N.Y. Subsequently, she served as office manager and
technician at her husbands private practice of Optometry in Rockland
County, NY. After she and her husband relocated to Long Island in 2009, she
continued in her optometric capacity. She also currently provides financial and
secretarial guidance for her daughters corporation in litigation
consulting. She has been involved in her husbands firearm-related writing
from the beginning, assisting with research, editing, and proofing, especially
with regard to law journal articles. More recently, she has taken an active
role in the formal writing of firearm-related articles.
Dr. Richard B. Goldman earned a B.S. in
Geology from the State University of New York at Albany in 1974, and a D.D.S.
from the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 1981. He has practiced
dentistry for over 30 years, and is presently Vice President for Clinical
Products for a major dental manufacturing company. He maintains life
memberships in many national and state gun rights organizations, and has spent
many years educating all who will listen about the relationship between
civilian disarmament and government-sponsored genocide. |
Archive of Earlier
Writing of Drs. Gallant & Eisen (Not as Affiliates of
the Independence Institute)
(All articles
below are co-authored by Joanne Eisen & Paul Gallant, except as otherwise
noted. Text of articles can be Googled; many of the originals are not posted
online by the magazines publisher but their texts can be found on a variety of
web sites.) |
Guns & Ammo Magazine
- Exposing Gun
Controls Witch Doctors, Jun. 1996
- Setting the Record
Straight, Mar. 1997
- Concealed Carry Under
Fire, Sep. 1997
- To Kill a Messenger: The
Alschuler Critique, Jan. 1998
- Gunsmoke or Smoke
Screen?, Apr. 1998
- Lying Faster than a
Speeding Bullet, May 1998
- Goodbye Dodge City,
Dec. 1998
- The Marginal
Relevance of Defensive Gun Use, Mar. 1999
- Second-Hand
Gunsmoke, Apr. 1999
- Self-Defenseless in Great
Britain: The Spreading Epidemic, Jul. 1999
- When Murder Equals
Shoplifting, Sep. 1999
- Canada: Lies to the North
of Us, Apr. 2000
- Kids & guns:
Exploiting Tragedy, Jul. 2000
- Gulag Britain: Next Stop,
America?, Oct. 2000
- Guns & Ammos
Anonymous Gun-Owner Survey, Dec. 2000
- An Ominous
Grandfather Clause, Dec. 2000
- The Fix Is In
for a Failure, Apr. 2001
- A Shortcut to
Australias Civilian Disarmament?, May 2001
- Down the British Path to
Hell, Aug. 2001
- G&As Survey Results,
Oct. 2001
- The Legacy of
Liars, Feb. 2002
- The Enemy Within,
May 2002
- Global Gun Ban a
Bust, Jun. 2003
- Cap Gun Criminals,
Jul. 2003
Guns Magazine
- Debunking the Myths Surrounding
the Epidemic of Handgun Violence, Aug. 1996
- Are Assault Doctors
Threatening Your Second Amendment Rights?, May 1997
- Diabolical Prescription,
Jun. 1997
- A Product of Incessant Fear
Mongering, Jan. 1998
- Nobody Has Jurisdiction over
the Truth, Mar. 1998
- Integrity Under Fire,
Apr. 1998
- The Dodge City
Conspiracy, Sep. 1998
- Blurring the Lines, Nov.
- Poison Little Pill, Jan.
- Believe the Lie, Jun.
- More Information Please . . .
, Oct. 1999
- Ambush! Exploiting the
Tragedy at Columbine, Jan. 2000
- Checkmate! The NICS
Dilemma, Apr. 2000
- With Ghoulish Intent,
Aug. 2000
- The Myth of Black Market
Guns, Sep. 2000
Gun News Digest
- Divided We Conquer,
Summer 1996.
- The Second Amendment as
Genocide Insurance, Summer 2001.
- When Liberalism Meant Liberty
for All a Debate on Guns Was Still Possible, Winter 2000-2001.
The Blue Press
- Through the Looking Glass,
1995, Oct/Nov. 1995
- Penicillin & Guns?, Jul.
- Criminals Aint Always
Crazy, Nov. 1996
- Caught with their Pants
Down, Spr. 1997
- Telling a Lie by Telling the
Truth, Aug. 1997
- The Hobby of
Self-Defense, May 1999
- Beyond NICS: How Many Ways Can
You Say REGISTRATION?, Jul. 1999
- Good Laws, Bad Laws, and
Outlaws, Jan. 2000
- Black Markets, Fast Guns, &
Tall Tales__
(publ date unknown)
American Survival Guide Magazine
- Web of Fraud and Deceit,
Apr. 1996
- The 100-Year Goof, Oct.
- Lifes Uncertainties:
Death, Taxes and Medical Lies, Nov. 1996
- American Survival Guides
Anonymous Gun-Owners Survey, Mar. 1997
- Dodging Bullets: The Concealed
Carry Controversy, Mar. 1997
- Guns, Lab Coats, and
Million-Dollar Liars, May 1997
- The First National Stupid
American Gun Fact Self-Test, Jun. 1997
- Arthur Kellermann: The Teflon
Doc, Aug. 1997
- If It Saves Only One
Doctor, Sep. 1997
- ASG Gun-Owner Survey:
Results, Dec. 1997
North American Hunter
- The Exclusionary Syndrome:
Not My Guns!, Jan/Feb 1998.
The Firearms Sentinel
- Shooting Holes in the Race
Card, Spring/Summer 1998
- Doctoring the Firearms
Debate, Aug/Sep 2001
- Lone Nut Assassin
or Kangaroo Court?, with Andrew S. MacGregor, Oct/Nov 2001
- (Titles of Books, AND Authors noted , with some of
the publications that published the review)
- David B. Kopel & Paul H.
Blackman, No More Wacos (1997)
(Conservative Consensus)
- John R. Lott, Jr., More Guns, Less
Crime (1998)
(Gun News Digest, Blue Press, LEAA Shield)
- Vin Suprynowicz, Send in the
Waco Killers (1999)
( Guns Magazine)
- John R. Lott, Jr., More Guns, Less
Crime (2nd ed., 2000)
(Gun News Digest, Guns & Ammo Magazine, Blue Press)
- Jeff Snyder, Nation of Cowards
( Americas 1st Freedom, Blue Press)
- L. Neil Smith, Lever Action
(Gun Week)
- Aaron Zelman and Richard W. Stevens,
Death by Gun Control (2002)
(Guns & Ammo Magazine)
- Vin Suprynowicz, The Ballad of
Carl Drega (2002)
(Guns & Ammo Magazine)
- Robert A. Waters, Guns Save
Lives (2002)
(Americas 1st Freedom)
- James B. Jacobs, Can Gun Control
Work? (2002)
(Gun Week)
- John R. Lott, Jr., The Bias
Against Guns (2003-2004)
(Americas 1st Freedom, Guns & Ammo)
- Aaron Zelman et al, Innocents
Betrayed (video) (2003-2004)
- Misc. Writing
- Kids and Guns: An Example of
the Politics of Panic, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Nov.2,
- The Second Victimization of
Kayla Rolland, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Mar. 21, 2000
- Civil Disobedience in Canada:
It Just Happened to be Guns, Idaho Observer, Aug. 2000
- Smoking Guns: Junk
Science and the 2nd Amendment, Idaho Observer, Nov.
- Gun-Control Wont Stop the
Madness (Idaho Observer, various other publications, 1999)
- Overview: The Operation
Lexington-Concord Study, 1994-1995; Operation Lexington Concord: A
Report to Congress; A National
Survey and Analysis of the Attitudes of Law-Abiding Gun Owners, by Law-Abiding
Gun Owners.